Why does Acrobat force me to install McAfee, and a... 您所在的位置:网站首页 installer chrome Why does Acrobat force me to install McAfee, and a...

Why does Acrobat force me to install McAfee, and a...

2023-03-30 11:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I wanted to install Acrobat Reader and downloaded the installer.  The installer itself automatically -- without any option to decline -- installed two McAfee programs.  It also went into my Chrome and installed some extensions that it never asked me about.  This is unacceptable behavior from a company like Adobe.  McAfee always conflicts with existing antivirus programs, which come built into Windows.  It's as if Adobe wants to intentionally break our computers or slow them down.  Unacceptable that the installer doesn't even give an option to decline the McAfee products.  Despicable.  






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